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- 猕猴桃育种及利用四川省重点实验室关于2023年实验室开放课题的公示
- 猕猴桃育种及利用四川省重点实验室 2023年度开放课题申请指南
- 四川省自然资源科学研究院2022年度单位决算
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- 四川省自然资源科学研究院 猕猴桃种植用营养基质等材料采购项目比选结果公示
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- 峨眉山科研基地配电设备采购项目比选结果公示
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- 猕猴桃育种及利用四川省重点实验室 2023年度开放课题申请指南
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- 四川省自然资源科学研究院 猕猴桃种植用营养基质等材料采购项目比选结果公示
- 什邡市师古镇猕猴桃科研基地水肥一体化系统首部设备中标通知书
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- 蓝莓种苗、种植容器、基质等材料采购中标通知书
- 2020年度发展中国家技术培训班项目“猕猴桃产业技术国际培训班”招生简章
- 资源院蓝莓种苗、 种植容器、基质等材料采购项目比选公告
- 2023-2025年政府采购(含非政府采购)招标代理机构评选结果公告
来源:本站 发布时间:2023-03-20 浏览: 0次
The 2020 Technical Training Program for Developing Countries
International Training Program on Kiwifruit Industry Technical Training
The 2020 International Technical Training Program on Kiwifruit Industry for Developing Countries, which is organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China and hosted by the Sichuan Provincial Academy of Natural Resources Science, will be held in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China, from August 21 to September 4, 2023 (15 days in total). Now the training targets are open to developing countries worldwide.
一、培训方式/ Training Ways
Relying on the platform of the China-New Zealand “Belt and Road” Kiwifruit Joint Laboratory, the training program will adopt teaching methods like expert lectures, experimental operations, field practice as well as visits to learn and exchange technologies and methods of new variety selection and breeding, field management, post-harvest storage and processing in the kiwifruit industry, so as to realize the goal of making the technological achievements of China's kiwifruit industry shared abroad, further promote the scientific and technological development of developing countries, drive the development of the local kiwifruit industry, at the same time, accumulate more experience for exploring the path of exporting China's excellent crop varieties as well as its supporting technologies.
The teaching language during the training is English.
三、培训内容/ Training Contents
(一)理论教学/ Theories Teaching
猕猴桃的起源、产业发展历程;The origin and development of the kiwifruit industry;
猕猴桃优良品种介绍及品种培育方法;Introduction of excellent varieties of kiwifruit and its breeding methods;
猕猴桃周年管理技术培训;Technical training on kiwifruit annual management;
猕猴桃主要病虫害理论及综合防控技术;Theories of major diseases and pests and Comprehensive prevention and control technology of kiwifruit;
猕猴桃营养与果园土壤管理;Nutrition and orchard soil management;
猕猴桃采收与贮藏技术;Picking and storage technology;
猕猴桃深加工发展现状及趋势;Current situation and the trend of deep processing in kiwifruit industry;
猕猴桃仓储、物流及销售。Warehousing, logistics and sales of kiwifruit.
(二)实验操作教学/ Operating Teaching
不同猕猴桃品种果实品鉴及品质分析;Fruit tasting and quality analysis among different kiwifruit varieties
猕猴桃主要病虫害调查及观察;Investigation and observation on major diseases and pests of kiwifruit;
猕猴桃病害的分离、培养、鉴定,接种实验;Separation, culture, identification and inoculation experiments of kiwifruit diseases and pests;
果园土壤养分测定教学与示范;Teaching and demonstration of the nutrient determination in the orchard soil;
猕猴桃组织培养技术;Tissue culture technology;
猕猴桃扦插技术。Kiwifruit cuttings technology。
(三)田间实践/ Field Practice
Field practice of kiwifruit picking and kiwifruit orchard management.
(四)参观考察/ Visits and Study Tour
Visiting the commercialized kiwifruit orchard to study the fruit selection and sorting and the post-harvest cold storage.
四、办班单位/ Organizers of the training Program
Organized by: Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China.
Hosted by: Sichuan Provincial Academy of Natural Resources Science.
Management unit: Science and Technology Department of Sichuan province.
五、费用/ Expenses
During the training period, the cost of teaching textbook and references, lecture fees, internship visits, transportation costs during the study period, as well as room and board of the participants will be paid by the training program in accordance with the training plans.
Trainees from developing countries are responsible for their own international travel expenses and personal medical expenses. Besides, trainees pay their own personal expenses during the training period.
六、招生范围/ Eligibility Requirements
1、Applicants must hold the bachelor degree or above. Experts, scientific researchers, technicians, etc. that in the field of agronomy of pomology or horticulture .
2、Applicants must have the ability of English listening and writing.
3、Applicants must be in good health ( please submit a health certificate when sending the application materials).
We welcome all developing country trainees who meet the above conditions to apply.
七、报名方式/Contact Information
Participants need to fill in the registration information according to the registration form and send it to before May 7, 2023.
八、联系方式/ Contact Information
电 话:+86-28-13880209251
Sichuan Provincial Academy of Natural Resources Science.
Address: No.24, South section 2, Yihuan Road, Chengdu City.
Zip Code: 610015
Miss Zhang (Tel: +86-28-13880209251)
02-Enrollment Guide-International Training Program on Kiwifruit Industry Technical Training.docx