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- 外国友人游苍溪 点赞苍溪红心猕猴桃
- 巴专家希望加强与中国猕猴桃合作
- 猕猴桃新质生产力发展国际交流会在广元苍溪县举行
- 李强总理访问新澳,参观的这些企业与成都科学城息息相关……
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- 省资源院在全省科研机构创新能力评价中喜获自然科学分学科排名第一
- 这场猕猴桃国际研讨会,吸引了许多中外专家……
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- 中国—新西兰猕猴桃“一带一路”联合实验室公布建设成果
- 新华社 | 习近平主席向首届“一带一路”科技交流大会致贺信为推进国际科技合作汇聚强大动力
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- 凤凰新闻 | 推动科技成果转化,“概念验证科普沙龙”在成都举办
随机推荐/ RANDOM
- 外国友人游苍溪 点赞苍溪红心猕猴桃
- 巴专家希望加强与中国猕猴桃合作
- 猕猴桃新质生产力发展国际交流会在广元苍溪县举行
- 李强总理访问新澳,参观的这些企业与成都科学城息息相关……
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- 中国—新西兰猕猴桃“一带一路”联合实验室科技交流会暨猕猴桃创新发展国际研讨会举行
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- 一场既“解惑”又“解锁”的概念验证科普沙龙
来源:本站 发布时间:2024-09-06 浏览: 0次
by Wang Xiaotong
CANGXI, Sept 4 (China Economic Net) - Agricultural experts from Pakistan, Egypt, Nepal and Mongolia are learning Chinese kiwifruit technology at the International Training Workshop on Kiwi Industrial Technology in Cangxi, Sichuan.
Overseas agricultural experts attend the International Training Workshop on Kiwi Industrial Technology in Sichuan. [Photo provided to CEN]
Cangxi, located on the northern edge of Sichuan Basin and at the southern foot of Daba Mountains, is the birthplace of red kiwifruit. Unlike ordinary kiwifruits that are villous, mostly green and sour, Cangxi red kiwifruits are smooth and hairless on the surface, with radial red stripes in the core. They taste tender and juicy, sweet and refreshing.
As of the end of 2023, with a 395,000-mu (about 26,333-hectare) planting area covering 31 villages and towns in Cangxi, the local kiwifruit industry has an annual turnover of 6.31 billion yuan, accounting for 35% of the county's agricultural output value, and hires more than 200,000 people.
Experts visit kiwifruit plantation in Cangxi, Sichuan. [Photo provided to CEN]
Currently in Cangxi, through lectures, visits, experiments and practices, overseas experts will have a better understanding of variety breeding, intellectual property protection, base construction, field management, warehousing logistics, brand building, marketing of the red kiwifruits systematically.
“The red kiwifruit here grows well and tastes delicious. Hope I can bring Cangxi's red kiwi technology and products to more places through some cooperation projects,” Dr. Muhammad Akhlaq from PMAS-Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi said.
According to Dr. Ruidar Ali Shah from University of Swabi, Cangxi Kiwifruit Research Center impressed him a lot. “They put great efforts to do research on all aspects of kiwifruits and develop the kiwi industry. I’m quite looking forward to seeing what new achievements they will make in the future,” he said.
Products made from kiwifruits are well received globally. [Photo provided to CEN]
It’s learned that the workshop is hosted by Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Science and Technology of China and undertaken by Sichuan Provincial Academy of Natural Resource Sciences, Cangxi County Government and Guangyuan Municipal Science and Technology Bureau. The two-week training will be conducted in two phases in Cangxi and Chengdu separately.